
Siyuan Liu

Originally from Shenzhen, China, Siyuan Liu recently graduated from Manhattan School of Music. She studied with acclaimed pianist and instructor Jeffery Cohen in New York City. Her performances have been praised as “Special sensibility” and “Very spiritual and understanding beyond her age”.

She is a laureate of several competitions, including the 2019 Piano House International Piano Competition (2nd Prize), 2018 New York International Piano Competition ̶ Finalist Award (Stecher&Horowitz Foundation), 2016 Liszt International Competition (3rd prize ̶ without age restrictions), the 2016 CAPMT Concerto Competition (3rd Prize), 2015 Romantic/Impressionistic Festival Competition (1st Prize), 2015 American Redlands Bowl Young Artists Competition (1st prize), 2011 China's National Piano Competition (1st Prize), 2006 Xinghai Cup China National Piano Competition (3rd Prize), 2005 Hong Kong-Asia Open Competition (2nd Prize).

She has performed extensively in her home country and has been featured at the 2011 Universiade, the 2013 China International Piano Concerto Competition Opening Ceremonies (Shenzhen), 2015-2016 Universe Multicultural Film Festival Awards Ceremony, 2016 Los Angeles Chinese New Year Ceremonies Concert, 2017 a Concert of Winners from the Liszt International Competition and she also performed at Carnegie Hall (Stern Auditorium/ Perelman Stage) in 2019. Siyuan has also performed solo recitals at the Schlern International Music Festival in Italy, Redlands Bowl in California, Shenzhen City Concert Hall, Shenzhen Grand Theater, Shenzhen Poly Theater, Hong Kong City Hall, the Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall in London, The DiMenna Center (Mary Flagler Cary Hall, NYC) and she also performed in Italy. She also was invited to join the Piano House International Piano Competition Awards Ceremony at Carnegie Hall in 2019. She was selected to perform at famous music festivals including the 2013 Lang Lang Youth Piano Festival in Germany (with Full Scholarship, only 12 young pianists from all over the world), and the 2015 and 2016 Schlern International Music Festivals, the Todi International Music Masters Festival, the Classical Bridge International Music Festival Academy & Conference in 2019, the 2021 San Diego International Kids Film Festival Awards Ceremony and awarded the prize to the Winner of the Young Performers Award.

She has studied with Mao Tian, Zhaoyi Dan, Yafen Zhu, Eduardo Delgado and she also worked with many famous artists such as Gary Graffman, Vanessa Latarche, Gordon Fergus Thompson, Seymour Lipkin, Boris Berman, Tamas Ungar, Lang Lang, Ian Jones, James Giles, and Gabor Farkas.

Siyuan began her music training in China at the age of 4, studying with Mao Tian and Zhaoyi Dan. In 2007, Siyuan entered the Shenzhen Arts School and studied with Guangquan Chen and Zhaoyi Dan. In 2014, she studied at the Colburn Music Academy with Ory Shihor and Myong Joon Lee. In 2015-2017, She studied with the world-famous pianist Eduardo Delgado.


来自中国深圳,3岁开始学习钢琴师从田茂和但昭义(李云迪的恩师),曾多次获国内外比赛大奖. 2021年5月毕业于世界排名第三的百年音乐名校—美国曼哈顿音乐学院钢琴系。她的演奏被世界顶级钢琴大师玛尔塔`阿格里奇的同⻔师弟—-著名钢琴家Eduardo Delgado称赞为“对音乐有着特殊的感性,并且带有超越她年龄的异于常人的灵性和理解力”。

2005年获香港亚洲国际钢琴公开赛亚军,2006年获星海杯全国⻘少年钢琴大赛季军,同年10月受邀参加深圳成功申办2011年世界大学生运动会专场交流演出,同年 11月参加了首届国际钢琴协奏曲大赛开幕式演出,2007年受邀参演世界文博会艺术节“深圳⻘少年国际钢琴大赛获奖者专场音乐会,同年9月考入深圳艺术学校师从国际著名钢琴教育家但昭义和陈光泉教授,而后师从比利时著名钢琴家Renaat Beheydt—博复生教授。在中国曾多次与世界钢琴大师郎朗同台演出,2011年获全国⻘少年钢琴大赛冠军。2013年师从著名钢琴教育家郎朗的老师朱雅芬教授。2013年11月以优异的成绩被选入郎朗基金会举办的德国国际⻘少年音乐节的演出 (总共名额12人,中国2人) 并获得全额奖学金,同年11月作为⻘少年优秀钢琴家受邀与钢琴家郎朗一同前往参加英国皇家音乐学院的演出。

2014年以优异的成绩考入美国洛杉矶科尔本音乐学院 (该学院为所有学生提供全额奖学金,学院总共一百多人),师从Ory Shihor教授。2015-2017年师从世界顶级钢琴大师玛尔塔`阿格里奇的同⻔师弟—-著名钢琴家Eduardo Delgado, 2015年获美国Redland Bowl⻘少年音乐大赛冠军,同年再次获Romantic/Impressionistic国际艺术节大赛冠军,并作为钢琴家受邀参加好莱坞奥斯卡联盟的世界⺠族电影节颁奖晚会的演出 (2015-2017)。2015年7月被选入参加意大利Schlern国际音乐节和Todi国际音乐节演出。2016年在美国尔湾成功举办个人独奏音乐会. 2016年11月获洛杉矶李斯特国际钢琴大赛Division VI—Longer work(大作品组,无年龄限制)第三名. 2017年受邀参加李斯特诞辰206周年李斯特国际钢琴大赛获奖者音乐会. 同年收到来自美国百年音乐名校--曼哈顿音乐学院的录取通知,并师从著名钢琴家Jeffery Cohen教授. 2018年获 Stecher&Horowitz 基金会举办的著名钢琴大赛—纽约国际钢琴大赛决赛奖. 同年考取伯克利音乐学院. 2019年受邀在世界十大音乐厅—纽约卡内基音乐大厅演出. 2019年获纽约PianoHouse国际钢琴大赛李斯特组第二名 (第一名空缺,无年龄限制). 2021年获高额奖学金继续在曼哈顿音乐学院钢琴系攻读硕士学位,并在同年作为钢琴家受邀参加好莱坞圣地亚哥国际儿童电影节颁奖典礼的演出并获最年轻演奏家奖。

曾多次受到世界著名钢琴大师Gary Graffman(郎朗的恩师), Vanessa Latarche(英国皇 家音乐学院系主任), Gordon F. Thomposon(英国皇家音乐学院教授),Seymour Lipkin (国际著名钢琴家), Boris Berman, Tams Ungar,James Giles, Ian Jones, and Gabor Farkas的指导.

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